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First Friday of the New Year

Everyone is probably familiar with First Friday in Downtown Raleigh and if you aren’t the premise is very simple – art and alcohol downtown both easy to find. Tell me that doesn’t sound like fun. This month’s trip included a few galleries, a conference in Designbox, a visit to Coglin’s the new 1980’s bar, a short trip underground and an attempt to create a little art of our own. At least I would call some of these pictures art.

So the quick rundown – yes – I’ve been busy and NOSVC has been neglected. I think I am caught up and will start rolling out the posts again. I could blame the holidays but then that would be what everyone else does this time of year when they are particularly apathetic. I am just going to say the projects in front of me exceeded the time I had available to complete them and unfortunately for the readers of this site NOSVC is at the bottom of the list.

Of the night’s pictures the basement of Coglin’s were my favorite. I wish more would have come out but it was a quick trip. Rumor is it used to be a speakeasy during prohibition. There is a beautiful tile floor down there that definitely makes me think this could be true. The tunnel near the rear of the basement (facing Fayetteville Street) looks like it may have connected to other similar tunnels once upon a time. I won’t say who knew the way down there but I do appreciate them leading the way. I am a huge fan of the hidden spaces in buildings – especially the ones that have history.  The rest of the pictures? Like I said – art. Don’t judge we were being creative.