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Virginia Creeper Trail

The Virginia Creeper Trail is considered to be the best rail-trail in the east, and among the best in the United States. We’ve done the route before with varying results and unfortunately, this time was no different. Out of three times, we’ve both finished the trail once. This time it was Cara’s rear tire that didn’t make the full trip on the bright side the blow-out happened near where the highway runs parallel to the trail so I could finish the ride and come back to pick her up. Otherwise, we couldn’t have asked for a better day to make the trip the sky was overcast and rain appeared imminent but the weather held as many people made the decision to cancel their trip. That meant smooth sailing on a nearly empty trail.

A quick plug for Adventure Damascus – we’ve used them every time we’ve done the downhill and whether renting their bike or using your own they offer excellent service and leave on time.

Pictures after the jump are from the trail including Cara’s last stop and the shoes of the of a 67-year-old Appalachian Trail ‘through hiker’ named Grandma Gatewood – why her shoes? She made the trip in Converse high-tops and carrying a hefty trash bag.

Take that REI.