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Exploring the Sullenberger Air Museum

If you’ve ever found yourself gazing up at a plane soaring through the sky, marveling at the skill and precision behind the flight, then a visit to the Sullenberger Air Museum in Charlotte, North Carolina, might just be the perfect way to deepen your appreciation for aviation. Located at the Charlotte Airport, this museum honors the legendary career of Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, the hero of the Miracle on the Hudson and a pioneering figure in the world of aviation safety.

Highlights of the Museum

  • The museum is right on the runway so you can watch the planes take off.
  • A flight simulator so you can try your hand at flying.
  • A makers space for the kids to learn about flying. (we didn’t get to try this out but it looked awesome)
  • You can sit in a couple of different types of planes. That was really fun for my son.
  • The actual Miracle on the Hudson plane is there which is interesting.

We enjoyed this stop during our stay in Charlotte. We allowed 2 hours for the museum and I think we could have stayed longer.

If you are visiting Charlotte add this destination to your trip.