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And we’re back… sort of.

At least back in the land of internet service. Here is a first look at the islands of Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, Barbados, St. Lucia, St Kitts, and St. Maarten. I’ll be posting the adventure over the next week as I go through all the pictures and sort out all the details. It wasn’t quite a full ten days and as some of your noticed we did find the occasional WiFi connection on the islands. So not home yet but off the boat and back on dry land in Puerto Rico.

We’re a little battered, bruised and carrying more than a few sea urchin barbs in our hands and feet but overall it was a great vacation. There is a lot to catch up on and the first thing is getting my equilibrium to return to non-sea mode. I can still feel the ship moving despite being on land. All things considered – things could be worse. So yes – we survived another vacation.