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Snow in Raleigh

I am pretty sure it won’t qualify as a white Christmas but it snowed last night and everyone in Raleigh woke up to a winter wonderland. We waited a while to go out to survey the damage but it looks like it might be a 1/2 foot or better around the neighborhood.

The roads appear to be passable should you really want to go anywhere but why would you – it is Sunday, the day after Christmas and there is snow. I think that means stay inside if anything does. At least until you run out of leftover ham. Then you can panic and call for Chinese take-out.

More pictures after the jump of the neighborhood and few images of our house under as much snow as its seen. We’ll likely venture further away from home tomorrow but today is a great day for projects indoors. If you have cool snow pics upload them here – if it is really good I’ll throw it up on the blog roll.


  1. Hi! Thanks for the glimpse 🙂 It looks awesome. We are preparing for a Blizzard up here. Since I missed the snow there, I’m really looking forward to it. See you soon!

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