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Away in a Manger 2009

The premise was simple – come to the party dressed as someone that was either at the Nativity or someone that could (or should) have been at the Nativity.  That’s right – Merry Christmas.  The outcome was awesome.  We had everything from shepherds, wise men and even Elvis (the Fourth King) show up.  We even had a special guest appearance by the ultimate redneck baby Jesus.  That doesn’t happen often.

Prize for most obscure visitors who were historically correct were Zechariah and Elizabeth the parents of John the Baptist.  We thought “el caganer” was pretty obscure but that took some research – good job.

Stars and angels were popular choices and the less than coordinated duo of Marty McFly and Doc Brown happened due to a quickly read and accurately interpreted Facebook post. (Good job Champ.)  The costumes were great and the party was a lot of fun.

Thanks to everyone that came despite the weather being less than cooperative.

More pictures after the jump including a couple of shots from the alien invasion of the Playmobil Nativity.