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Race for the Cure ’08

Congrats to everyone that ran RFTC this past weekend. Runners in our group included BobG, Eric, Chris, Cara dMc and me, walkers included Allison and Kellee with team PROTECT SECOND BASE. Our t-shirt didn’t win – I came in last in our group in the run (Cara beat me by 00:00.06 seconds – yes 7/100ths) but overall the day was a huge success and a lot of fun. Of course – it isn’t about the race, the money, or even the insane amount of pink or witty slogans on all the t-shirts it is about the people.

Editor’s Note: It isn’t often that I use my little soapbox on the web for anything meaningful because it is a lot harder than being my usual obnoxious and overly critical self. Here is my best effort…

I’ve been very fortunate that breast cancer has never been something that has touched me directly or anyone very close to me. I was also very fortunate to meet someone that is a role model for anyone that finds themselves there.

Bob introduced me to Donna McDaniel and if I hadn’t known that she was the person he went to NYC with and that she had cancer I wouldn’t have guessed it in 100 years. She was upbeat, energetic and extremely positive – she talked about having spent time recently in an F-18 flight simulator and gave her husband Steve grief over wearing dirty pants to the race. She was a very real person and didn’t seem to be caught up in her own life despite the fact that it must seem very surreal.

It was nice with feet and knees hurting from running to talk to someone to bring back into focus the “why.” Like I said earlier – it isn’t the race, money or t-shirts – it is celebrating the people. The people like Donna who know they are fighting a losing battle but reject the idea of being a victim and going down easy. I would like to give a huge salute to Donna and Steve. “Adversity doesn’t build character, it reveals it.” I only hope that my character is as strong if adversity like this ever calls at my door. Good luck to both of you and I hope to see you again next year at the race. Yes – I do believe in miracles and I hope one finds you.

Special thanks to Bob for introducing me and while I only spent a very few minutes with Donna and Steve I was beyond impressed.


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