So we do some fairly geeky stuff here at We take RVs to see the Space Shuttle launch, we go to Lego conventions, we even go to SPARKcon and go over lists of geeky things that we’ve done before. A comic book convention? Maybe the out and out geekiest thing we’ve ever done.
I don’t say that to degrade, diminish or otherwise take anything away from NC Comicon. Given the source you might even call it a compliment. The event was held at the Morrisville Outlet Mall and while the venue and overall size weren’t overwhelming it was nice to see this type of event coming to the Triangle. You hear about it in other larger cities like San Diego, New York and Atlanta so having one here so I don’t have to go there is awesome.
(I did notice that the rest of these are “comic con” not “comicon” but to each their own I guess.)
Overall it was a fun show. It was a little disappointing that the 501st Legion / Carolina Garrison didn’t show. I guess they had a disturbance in the force or some such nonsense that prevented them from showing up. The times we’ve seen them out before they were pretty cool so it would have been much better had they bothered to come. That’s right – I’m talking to you Darth Lardbutt and you Chubbybacca.
So anyway – pictures after the jump. Given the bad lighting and the crowds this was the best I could do. If they do it again next year maybe we’ll try to get a bigger group to go. I am not releasing the names of the individuals that went on this trip and have been instructed to make sure every one knows that Cara was not part of the guilty party. Enjoy the pictures – I’ll keep you posted if I see anything about this coming back next year.