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A.E. Finley Fieldhouse at NCSU’s Carter-Finley Stadium

Or maybe a better title would have been “The Carter-Finley Underground.” If you have been a fan or follower of NC State long enough to remember who coached before Chuck Amato than you probably remember when the A.E. Finley Fieldhouse was above ground. And while you may remember it finding a picture of it online didn’t really happen in the 2 minutes I looked for it. [Sorry]  The fieldhouse is now under a large section of seats and a scoreboard on the North end of the stadium.

We were at the Carolina Hurricane’s Caniac Carnival and found the stadium door unlocked. Guess where we went?

So these pictures are under the stadium seats where we sat the night before. I know this is just the half-time locker room and visitors locker room at Carter-Finley but everything is surprisingly sparse and very utilitarian. We found the secret hiding place for the ACC, the super awesome wolf-mobile and even where the chain ‘gang’ hangs out with the ball boys.