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Val d’Europe Half Marathon 21.1km #DLP16

This is the last post from Paris and we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled programming here at 919raleigh. This had to be the capstone post to the series because it was the reason we went to Paris in the first place. We completed the Castle to Château Challenge by participating in a race in both the US and France in a single calendar year.

The course was great and despite being the coldest day we had seen while we were in France by the time we finished it was great. I did take the opportunity to sit on the moon rover in Walt Disney Studios Park’s Studio Tram Tour. The race took you through both parks, all the resorts and through the surrounding area which gave a great view of the French countryside. Overall it was a great race and while translating miles to kilometers is easy enough it was fun to cross the sign with 14 on it because our races rarely go that far in miles.

And with that – the Paris posts are done. It took almost three months to get them all posted but I felt like on this trip it was worth it to take it slow and post as much of what we saw as we could. Thanks for all the great suggestions people shared prior to the trip. I feel like we did pretty well for our first time out and across the pond. Definitely thinking about where we go next.

How far away were we from the other parks we visited? 4,953 miles from Walt Disney World and 5,655 miles from Disneyland.

One final look at the castle before we go…