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Dr Pepper Barbecue Sauce?

The NOSVC field office in Dallas, Texas just reported in on Dr Pepper Marinade and Dr. Pepper BBQ Sauce. As a public service we remind you when it gets cold of the great taste of hot Dr Pepper but this may take things to another level. I wonder whether the flavor works better on chicken, pork or beef? Coming from Texas I have to assume there will be raw onions and pickles involved at some point in the process. And yes – that means I am guessing beef is whats for dinner when this sauce is in play.

Thanks Travis for sending this in and let us know what you think when you try it. We’ll look for it around here but you may need to smuggle a case of it up to North Carolina.

For those of you that love Dr Pepper and can’t wait I found this recipe online. Makes me think that I might want to develop my own Cheerwine BBQ Sauce. After the success of the Caffeinated Wild Turkey American Honey BBQ Sauce it might be worth a try.


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