I’ve already posted a couple of the stops on the Warner Bros. Studio Tour and this is the outside sets or back lot where a lot of television and movies are created. Rather than bore you with a lot of details I’ll hit the highlights and if you see anything in one of the pics you want to know more about ask in the comments.
- Yes – we got to see where Big Bang Theory is made. This is as close as we got because they are currently working.
- The Dukes of Hazzard and the final scene of Back to the Future happened on the same street.
- Yes – that is ‘supposedly’ Ellen’s Porsche.
- That is definitely Chuck Lorre’s parking space.
- If you stop to take pictures of a water tower one of the Australians on the tour will take 20 selfies with it.
The rest? Well – a lot happened here and it might take a while to go through it all.
Great tour – definitely recommend it.