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The Crystal Palace Recipes #WDW14

The food at Disney is great. For the week we were there I don’t think I had a bad meal (or one without a cupcake). At The Crystal Palace we commented to the waitress that we really liked two of the salads on the buffet. More joking than not I asked for the recipes. She asked for an email address and about a week later we got them. I hope this is a case of good hospitality and doesn’t end like the Neiman Marcus Cookie story. Either way – they didn’t say no to so I am going to go ahead and share these with you. If they do end up charging $250 a recipe at least I’ll have a head start. It is impressive because not only did they take the time to send them but they are scaled in size. I’m sure they are not making it batches for 4-6 people.

Thanks, Disney – we’ll have to try these out and see if we can recreate a little magic at home.

UPDATE: Per this is a common occurrence and a list of recipes can be located here.