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RV & Camping Show – Greensboro, NC

Ever since the chasing the shuttle road trip in the RV I’ve really thought I might like to own an RV or Camper. It is really convenient, easy and pretty economical all things considered.  If you ever try it you’ll realize it is a great way to vacation.  The decision process on what we would want or what the needs really are is a little more complicated than one might think and much more complicated than even purchasing a regular vehicle.

To try and get a better feel for what we may or may not want we decided to go to the 22nd Annual North Carolina RV & Camping Show in Greensboro.  They had almost everything you could think of when it came to RVs, campers, toy haulers, fifth wheels, ultra lights and teardrops.  (Yes – learn the lingo.)  It is very interesting to explore the larger vehicles but they are really out of reach – too expensive to purchase, store and maintain.  The smaller campers – ultra lights and teardrops are a little more beginner speed.

We found a couple we liked but like a lot of things – buying new doesn’t really make a lot of sense.  I’d rather wait and find a gently used model that someone has depreciated the new off of a bit.  More pictures after the jump including our realization that we may really be in the right place after all.  That’s right – we found another “Randy” sometimes fate just steps in and sends you a message.

** No we didn’t take him.  We did move him to a nicer camper.


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