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New River Round III

This July makes my third joining a random group of individuals from Raleigh on the riverside of the rolling hills between North Carolina and Virginia known as the New River Campground. If you’ve followed these adventures you know that a) we had some rain b) we had some fun and c) not everyone remembers the trip the same way – if at all. Don’t worry about that last one – we have a trophy for that.



This year was slightly more subdued than previous trips. This may be an indication we are growing up or an indictment that one of these ninjas everyone keeps talking about letting the air out of Golf Cart Jesus’ tires. Maybe it was just the goat that was missing from our campsite this year. (Although a picture was sent.)

The weekend was successfully uneventful in a good way and I’m already looking forward to another round of shenanigans. There is something very relaxing and rewarding about being in one of the coolest places on the planet with good folks and very few responsibilities beyond making sure your air mattress is properly inflated. It is a place that we don’t get to visit often enough and a moment in time we can’t really appreciate it until it is over.

Congrats again to Brian & Chloe – they deservedly took home the trophy this year.

Yes – the rumor is true – I fell in the river.


  1. Nice review again. Like the new look on the website. Although no peer-reviewed literature has been published yet on this years trip I am thinking that the goat may have caused the deflation in foolishness. Looking forward to next year all ready! Thanks for noting these trips in the annuals of history!

  2. Nick – as always an awesome trip. The new design is coming along – still a few tweaks here and there to make it what I originally envisioned.

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