This is pretty awesome. Click here to see the Terrible Towel spin when someone Tweets #steelersnation. As you can see in the image to the right it posts your Twitter name and the number of times the towel has spun. How does it work? They offer a completely oversimplified version on the site but really – does it matter? That is pretty cool.
Twitter is something that I am just starting to play with and really understand. I started an account for NOSVC (@NOSVC) and myself (@Anthony_McLeod) a while ago and still have crappy Klout scores (10/27). But I’ve started to find it a little more interesting as I’ve learned how to use it. I’ve heard Twitter described relationally to Facebook as “Facebook being for the people you know and Twitter being for the people you want to know.” I think it is easier to see Twitter as the Junior High School lunchroom of social media. It is fun but it is still vaguely anonymous and not at all structured. This doesn’t make it bad – just another obstacle to getting work done at times. It is interesting to see what people are thinking both friends and ‘celebrities’ and it is fun to interact with them on occasion.
After the jump I have an image where I made the towel spin with my personal account and a conversation I had with NC State’s Julius Hodge with the NOSVC account.