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Rachael Ray Visits Meredith!

So today I was lucky enough to meet Rachael Ray.  She came to Meredith College to promote her and her husband’s new book- My Year in Meals with Rachael Ray and My Year in Cocktails with John Cusimano.   The cool thing about this book is that you can see her notes in the book. It is also called a “smart book” What is a smart book??? You can use your smart phone throughout the book and watch videos-pretty cool.

Rachel was taking questions so I got to ask the first question! I asked what is your most epic fail in the kitchen? She said it was when she was on Emeril’s show. The pan had been on the burner. She did not realize the burner was actually on and added oil to an extremely hot pan which shot up in flames.  Good thing she didn’t burn down Emeril’s kitchen. She also talked about cutting the tip of her finger off during the filming of her show.

I got to meet her personally after the talk. I can say she was extremely nice and I can’t wait to try some recipes in her new book. Here is my favorite Rachel Ray recipe.


A huge thanks to my friend Jean who invited me to go!!!