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An evening of Pizza, Mini-Put & Snoballs

Sometimes I wonder if we are spoiled here in Raleigh with great local restaurants and a blend of culture that allows the new to neatly and often seamlessly weave into the old.  This past Friday we experienced some of the best both worlds have to offer – on the new side Martin Street Pizza and on the classic side 401 Par Golf and Pelican’s SnoBalls.  Martin Street Pizza was a great find – they sell pizza by the slice in the evening and they have terrific salads.  We stayed pretty basic on the menu but a lot of what they had to offer sounded good – we’ll definitely be back.  The bar looked good as well with several beers on tap.  It wasn’t too busy on a Friday evening so the service was quick.  Overall I thought the food was definitely on par with some of my favorite pizza places in Raleigh and including Moonlight.

401 Golf was the site of the highly anticipated McLeod/Potichko Mini-Put challenge.  Delayed by rain and out of town trips this match was anything if not cut-throat.  I’ll spare you the 14 hole (yes 14 holes) play by play but when the final ball was hit the score was team McLeod +7 and team Potichko victory.  To say that this game win or lose didn’t have a sweet ending would be wasting an excellent play on words because the next stop was Pelican’s Snoballs – we loaded up on the best shaved ice in the triangle and were treated to Monster’s Inc playing for a small crowd behind the shop.  Classic family entertainment at its best.  From what we were told by a lady in line that was definitely a “regular” the movie night is moving to Saturday this fall and will start earlier as darkness comes earlier.

Anyway – good times – not a ton of pictures just a new place and a couple of classics for you to check out if you are out and about in Raleigh.