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The Packing House

I love an old space that has been re-purposed. The Packing House in Anaheim is a perfect example of this! This was a packing house where citrus was processed. The building was built in 1919. This is were farmers unloaded their citrus and eventually where it would be packed in wooden crates to ship.

The space has been restored with many restaurants. They describe it as a food hall. We were able to grab a bite to eat at Kroft. Their specialty is poutine which is a Canadian dish of fries, gravy, and cheese. Since this was their specialty we opted for it. I tried their Thanksgiving poutine. It was excellent and included stuffing, turkey and cranberry sauce.

Right outside of the Packing House, there is a park that had a few neat features like a dog park with AstroTurf and outdoor ping pong tables. I would love a place like this in Raleigh. Maybe this could be something fun for the old warehouses in Raleigh?