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NOSVC Site Explosion

Yesterday and the day before we had something rare happen here at NOSVC – we had visitors. A lot of them.

We average somewhere around 35-75 visitors daily and that routinely amazes me. Friday we broke an internal record by passing 250 in a day for the first time. Yesterday we had passed that by 9AM and by noon had passed 500 visitors. Once all visits were counted we hit 1,075 visitors recorded in one day.

Looking into why – most of the traffic was coming in two ways on one image from Google – here and here. From there they looked at Hurricane Irene from Space, Hurricane Irene from Earth and Tasty Beverage Company Opening Soon.

So if you stopped by yesterday you were part of the record crowd. If not you are helping make August a big month by reading this today.

Either way – thanks for stopping by – I am constantly amazed by the traffic that comes to this site and hope you find something here worth your time.