BobG (part-time contributor to was in Blacksburg, VA this past weekend for the annual Day of Remembrance honoring “the 32 people who lost their lives on April 16, 2007…”
BobG found this while he was up there and forwarded it to the site. There are large fiberglass Hokie Birds around the campus in Blacksburg (see another one with G and I from 2006 after the jump).
A little more research found – “This is one of 75 decorated fiberglass Hokie Bird statues created in 2006 to raise money for the Blacksburg Partnership. The statues were painted by local artists and the proceeds from their sales went towards economic development and tourism projects.” This one just happened to be covered in Lego Bricks – how cool is that?
I’d love to end this post on a somewhat sentimental note but somehow even the thought of that day and the tragedy is an emotional drain. Much credit to the alumni and community that come out to this event and keep the memories of those lost that day alive.